(08/17/2010) —Respiratory Health Survey of Taconite Workers and Spouses research study clinic is testing workers and spouses at the Bay Area Health Clinic, 50 Outer Circle, Silver Bay from September 20 to October 15, 2010. The research study clinic located at the Virginia Regional Medical Center in Virginia closed August 13, 2010.
The Respiratory Health Survey of Taconite Workers and Spouses research team has tested over 1,500 taconite workers and spouses from August 2009 to August 2010. The research team is pleased with the response from the Virginia Regional Medical Center and the Iron Range Community to the research study clinic in Virginia. However, in conversations with potential participants, the research team heard from many that distance to the clinic in Virginia was a barrier to attending the research clinic. To address this concern and to obtain a more fully representative group of taconite workers, the research team will conduct Respiratory Health Survey clinic testing at the Bay Area Health Center in Silver Bay from mid-September to mid-October.